Minggu, 22 Mei 2016


  • Barapen
This tradition is one of the oldest traditions in Papua is usually done as a symbol of gratitude and fraternity, but in certain areas, this tradition is also carried in the funeral ceremonies. This tradition is generally known as Barapen. Basically Barapen is a tradition of Papuans who cook some foods such as yams, cassava, meat and vegetables on the stones that have been heated. But, how to cook can not be arbitrary. Barapen will start by setting up a hole to draw up a wood and stone, along with food that will be cooked. After that, the stones that have been collected will be compiled based on the size of the above arrangement banana leaves. Large stone will be placed at the very bottom. On it will be prepared firewood and firewood will be closed with stones smaller. Next is the combustion process to heat stone. Afterwards foodstuffs arranged in such a way on the rock and eat together after being cooked

  • Tradition Cut Finger
This unique tradition you can only find in the Dani tribe who live in the Baliem Valley , Papua . This tradition is carried by Dani as a sign of deep grief over the loss of one of their family members who died . Moreover , this tradition must also be taken to prevent re havoc that cause death in the family. This tradition is carried out after the funeral procession with a direct cut off one finger bereaved family members with a knife , ax or machete . Another way is usually done by biting knuckles until breaking up , tied with a rope so that the blood flow stops and knuckles being dead and then the new cut.
  • Ararem
Ararem tradition is one of the traditions of marriage Biak in Papua tribes that were once a large family was about to escort the groom's dowry to the bride's family . This tradition is carried on foot , carrying seserahan customary form of plates , jars and others. Interestingly , most of the tradition ararem is done by marching processions waving red and white flag . Until now , there has been no definite explanation why this tradition is always synonymous with the hoisting of the state flag . To be sure , this is what makes it so unique tradition and certainly you can only meet in Papua .
  • .Mansorandak (Tradition Hit Plates)

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